ChildSafe Australia

Social Services

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ChildSafe is a children's harm prevention charity that prevents harm and abuse of children through helping organisations adhere to their legal requirements of child safety and supports them to build a culture of child safety.

ChildSafe Limited exists to serve organisations and individuals working with children and vulnerable people, with the goal of improving their well-being and safety.

To achieve this ChildSafe Limited will:

*Resource and train the staff and volunteers of organisations in the implementation of quality safety management at the core of their organisation;

*Facilitate collaboration between organisations in the sharing of practices for the safety and care for children and vulnerable people, reducing duplication of effort and creating more efficient use of community resources; and

*Create a Public Fund to be applied to the Object of the Company. 


ChildSafe Limited is a Public Company limited by guarantee. We are on the Register of Harm Prevention Charitable Institutions, maintained by the Federal Government’s Department of Social Services. We are endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient, for funds provided to the ChildSafe Foundation Fund. The funds we receive from sale of our services help ChildSafe to continue operating and provide services to new and existing subscribers.


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